Ontario Wildflowers website

Site Inventories
Vascan - Plant Inventory

Vascan is a natural area in southern Ontario that harbours a very high diversity of species. The property is mostly marsh, shrub swamp, and swamp. I started maintaining a plant inventory of the area. Here is my list.
One thing to keep in mind with this list is that I am unsure of the exact boundaries of this area.
Introductory Notes
  • I use Newcombe’s Wildflower Guide for common and scientific names (except for ferns, trees, shrubs – use Soper for shrubs, Farrar for trees, and Owen Sound Field Nats fern book for ferns)
  • Please bear in mind that if there are obscure varieties of species, I have not taken them into account. I use Newcombe’s for 90% of my plant ID work.
  • This list is solely the result of my own work. I have not added species that others have found.
  • There is of course the possibility that I made some errors in identification. If there is a species listed here that is erroneously identified, I welcome corrections & advice -- please email me.
  1. Arisaema atrorubens - Jack-in-the-Pulpit
  2. Betula alleghaniensis - Yellow Birch
  3. Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
  4. Caulophyllum thalictroides - Blue Cohosh
  5. Cicuta maculate - Water Hemlock
  6. Epifagus virginiana - Beech Drops
  7. Equisetacae - Horsetail species
  8. Erythronium americanum - Trout Lily
  9. Euonymus obovatus - Running Strawberry Bush
  10. Fagus grandifolia - American Beech
  11. Fraxinus nigra - Black Ash
  12. Geranium maculatum - Wild Geranium
  13. Hepatica Americana - Round-lobed Hepatica
  14. Maianthemum canadense - Canada Mayflower
  15. Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern
  16. Onoclea sensibilis - Sensitive Fern
  17. Osmorhiza claytoni - Sweet Cicely
  18. Osmunda cinnamomea - Cinamon Fern
  19. Ostrya virginiana - Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood)
  20. Podophyllum peltatum - Mayapple
  21. Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas Fern
  22. Prenanthes altissima - Tall White Lettuce
  23. Prunella vulgaris - Heal-all
  24. Prunus serotina - Black Cherry
  25. Rhamnus cathartica - Common Buckthorn
  26. Rhamnus frangula - Glossy Buckthorn
  27. Rhus radicans- Poison Ivy
  28. Rhus vernix - Poison Sumac
  29. Sanguinaria Canadensis - Bloodroot
  30. Sium suave - Water Parsnip
  31. Symplocarpus foetidus - Skunk Cabbage
  32. Trillium erectum - Red Trillium
  33. Trillium grandiflorum - Large-flowered Trillium (White)
  34. Tussilago farfara - Coltsfoot
  35. Typha angustifolia - Narrow-leaved Cattail
  36. Typha latifolia - Common Cattail
  37. Viola pubescens - Downy Yellow Violet


  • Cutleaf Toothwort
  • Toothwort
  • Mitrewort
  • Horsebalm
  • Wood Nettle
  • Coltsfoot